Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Erin DiJulio - Brighton, MA

 I had a great time with Christen. To be honest, when she first came over, I thought she was just going to throw out all of the "crap" I have in my closet. Instead, she was really good at letting me make the decisions on what stayed and went. We figured out what I wanted to accomplish by having her help me and decided on creating an interview outfit along with more casual outfits that better suited my lifestyle. I was really pleased with what she was able to put together. They were things that I never would have put together myself and it made me feel like I have more options in my closet than I ever knew about!

Lindsay Fischler - Cambridge, MA

 To be honest, I was a little nervous going into the experience, having never used a stylist, but Christen was completely professional and made me feel so comfortable. I was extremely impressed how she paired items together that I never would have tried and got me to mix some of my favorite pieces in completely unexpected ways. She gave me wonderful advice and I really appreciated her comments. I also loved her use of technology. While we were discussing outfits, she showed me, on the spot, items online that she thought I could use and then sent me my consultation photos so I can remember how to put her outfits together. It just made the entire process seamless and very easy for me.  Overall, Christen has a great eye for fashion and is a total joy to work with.  I’ve only done the Closet Clean-Out so far but I’m excited to work with Christen again next season. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crystal Klataske - Brighton, MA

Christen Mitchell was fantastic. I had several pieces in my wardrobe that I wasn't sure how to wear and she quickly pulled together several outfits I am now excited to go out in! I was also impressed when she took pieces from my closet that I haven't worn in ages and incorporated them into my next seasons wardrobe. She listened to my concerns and voiced her opinion in a professional way that made me feel completely comfortable the entire process of the consultation. I am excited for another season to come to work with Christen again!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Samantha Wheeler - Boston, MA

I honestly cannot say enough about Christen.  After moving to Boston over a year ago, my closet was a complete mess.  Nothing was in order and even though I had a lot of good items, I never felt like I had anything to wear.  My first experience with Christen was a gift from a family member after my move and it was the best thing I could ask for.  Christen not only organized my closet, she had me show her every piece of clothing that I felt I had nothing to wear with and showed me how to pair it with tons of things I already owned.  I have actually saved money by using Christen because I no longer buy unnecessary items.

After the first closet clean out I was hooked and purchased the “Live-in Stylist” package.  Christen comes in on a regular basis and helps me update my closet for the ever-changing Boston seasons and gives me fun ideas how to incorporate new trends.  Being able to send her a quick picture text while I am out shopping or getting ready for the night is the best thing ever.  She always gets right back to me and tells me her honest opinion.  Christen is  fun, professional, and truly wants me to not only look my best, but feel it as well.  If I am not comfortable and confident it what I am wearing Christen finds me many new options until we find one that suits me.  She is the best and I could not be happier with her services.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kathryn Ramstad - Minneapolis, MN

I have been using Christen seasonally for a while now and have recently upgraded my package so I can work with her on a yearly retainer. Now that my closet is finally in order and I have gotten rid of clutter that I had been keeping for decades, it is so much easier to get dressed in the morning. I can actually see what I own and how it all works together,  which has created many more outfit options with fewer number of pieces. 
I loved having her seasonally. She would walk me through what I needed, but most importantly what I already had that could transition to the next season. Also, the list of additional items that she sends after each consultation is very helpful. I can pick what items I feel comfortable purchasing and then they all get delivered to my front door. 

While I did love having her seasonally I have to say the Live-In Stylist package is so much better. I still get the seasonal assistance I love with the added bonus of having her on hand 24/7 to answer any of my questions. It is great to know that anytime I am out shopping and I have a question I can text or call her.  It stops me from buying things I don't need and that will just clutter up my closet. However, if there is something I can't find in the store or I can't locate online she is right there to order it for me.

Overall she offers extremely helpful services that have breathed new life into my closet while keeping it under control and manageable. I never find my self saying 'I have nothing to wear!'

MORE Client Review Coming Soon!